Melrose Community Development Association Inc.
Objectives and Purposes
To promote and preserve the Melrose Community, its natural environment and heritage
To prepare and realize as far as practicable, plans for the development of amenities, infrastructure, business, employment and tourism.
To establish and maintain close liaison with the local Council and other relevant bodies
To apply for grants and any other forms of assistance available
To involve and empower the whole community in attaining common goals through communication and participation.
The Melrose Community Development Association Incorporated (MCDA) was formed more than 20 years ago and is the peak body representing the Melrose community. The association works to enhance amenities and develop community projects and events in and around Melrose for the betterment of the Melrose and surrounding community and also to promote local tourism.
Some of the successful projects/events completed under the auspices of MCDA are –
- Melrose Town Playground with shade sail and seating
- Erection of a Gazebo in Memorial Park.
- Paradise Square development & maintenance.
- Tourism Information Bay development.
- Annual Town Christmas Party with Father Christmas.
- Main Street Stobie Pole Christmas Decorations
- Sealing of Joe’s road to the Monument.
- Lighting of the War Memorial Monument.
- Brewery Street Gum Tree Signage
- Goyder’s Line signage.
- Signage on the toilet block near the Town Hall.
- Toilets in Paradise Square.
- Annual Melrose Strawberry Fete Weekend
Melrose is a very active and supportive community and the MCDA is always keen to hear from residents with great ideas on how we can further improve our beautiful town.
MCDA is a community run organization and we welcome new members. Monthly meetings are held in the old RSL building on the third Tuesday of every month starting at 7.30 pm. The Annual General Meeting of the Association is held each September.
All residents are welcome and encouraged to attend and support our community however voting is restricted to financial members. Membership must be paid by the first day of December.
Not everyone has the time to come to meetings or to be actively involved in Melrose Community Development Associations’ projects. However, through an annual membership donation, you can help to ensure that the Melrose Community Development Association continues to be a very effective voice for the community it serves.
Contact the Secretary –
by writing to the MCDA, PO Box 3, Melrose SA 5483,
or by filling in the online contact form found here.
or message us via our Facebook.