Get in contact with our clubs
Looking for the contact from one of our many clubs in our region?
We’ve made the job easy and listed them for you.
Melrose Bowling Club
Bob Arthur
0427 586 083
0427 586 083
Melrose Historical Society
Liz Bishop
0427 662 153
Mount Remarkable Quilters
Gweneth McCaullum
08 8666 2062
08 8666 2062
Melrose Show Society
Phil Nottle
0427 662 042
0427 662 042
Melrose Tennis Club
Matthew Blieschke
0427 356 372
0427 356 372
BMW Netball Club
Meridee Groves
0427 672 061
0427 672 061
BMW Football Club
John Carey (JP)
0428 672 109
0428 672 109