Shortly after leaving the Monument, the Melrose Nature Hike goes left, whilst the Heysen Trail and the Mt Remarkable Summit Trail goes right. Walking left, follow the Farmers Freewheelin Fun Track


There are plenty of opportunities to get out and enjoy the fresh air at Melrose. Explore the town by foot or bike, as both the Heysen and Mawson trails pass through town.

Bushwalkers and keen photographers enjoy challenging themselves with the rewarding walk to the summit of Mount Remarkable, this is a walkers only trail. The Melrose Nature Hike is an enjoyable walk through the foothills shared with mountain bikers. For more information click here.

There are many beautiful trails and fantastic scenery waiting to be explored such as to Bald Hill Lookout, Melrose Copper Mine or Cathedral and Gibraltar rocks. Most trails start at the Caravan Park and can go via the Memorial or along the Willochra Creek.

You can pick maps up in local Melrose businesses or visit: Mount Remarkable National Parks website

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